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Sydney Emotional Fitness - Counselling, Psychologist and Coaching Services

Outplacement Services Sydney

Why You Should Hire a Career Change Coach for Executive Outplacement Services in Sydney City

If you have become tired of the same job you’ve been doing for years, or if you have recently been made redundant and don’t know how to climb back on your feet, you’re not alone. Millions of people across the globe understand the fear, worry, and stress that comes with either having no career satisfaction or no job at all, and, unfortunately, many of them struggle to progress and return to a happy lifestyle. If you need professional guidance from a career change coach in Sydney, you’ve come to the right place.

At Sydney Emotional Fitness, we provide a range of coaching, counselling, and psychology services in Sydney City for the executive that wants to retake control of their life. We opened our doors for business in 2008, but our career coaches have decades of experience and utilise current, innovative and scientifically proven methods to give you the help you need. Whether you want to improve yourself to earn a promotion, change your career for something more exciting or dive back into the job market confidently, we can assist.

If you’re an executive who thinks that coaching is a waste of time and money, you might be surprised to learn that in a 2009 study, 86 percent of companies said that coaching was a worthwhile an investment, and 70 percent of individuals reported improved communication skills, work performance, and relationships. Keep reading below to learn about how our executive outplacement services in Sydney City can help you.

What Outplacement Services in Sydney City Can Do for You

Nobody in the world is impervious to stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem, but some people struggle to remain emotionally resilient more than others. Unfortunately, such negative emotions can hold us back from unlocking our full potential, and if you’ve just been made redundant, you might certainly feel negative. We’re here to help you realise your potential and broaden your horizons by preparing you for today’s job market. More importantly, we’ll instil you with the confidence you need to overcome obstacles in the future.

  • Capitalise on your strengths: Regardless of your current employment status, you have the skills that many companies in Sydney City desire as an executive.
  • Identify your weaknesses: We all have a little room for improvement, but we sometimes need a coach to help us recognise the areas on which we can work.
  • Enter the job market with confidence: Whether you’re looking for a promotion or need a career change, we can help. We can oversee your LinkedIn profile, improve your professional presentation and teach you the ropes of the current application and hiring process.

Executive Outplacement Services in Sydney City You Can Trust

Don’t let low self-esteem and stress hold you back when there’s a world of opportunities at your fingertips. Our qualified coaches utilise the very best scientifically proven methods to give you the professional assistance you need, and we tailor our sessions specifically for you. Call the professionals at Sydney Emotional Fitness today to take the first steps towards a successful career change.